Thursday, November 13, 2008

here you go, conor

(excerpt from e-mail to glenda)

How are you today? If I were you, I would sleep through the construction and wake up at about, oh, 11:30, shower until 12:30. After drying off, I would make myself some toast and then walk to a coffee shop close by, or not so close. Sipping, I would stare out the window and decide whether I should keep walking in the opposite direction of Margene's apt. At the last sip, I would violently crush the cup in hand and run out the door, not stopping until I came to the nearest pet store. Knowing that pet stores often sell live animals to almost anyone with money, I would emerge victorious with a plastic bag full of fish and a gerbil in a ball. At this point, it would be wise to transfer the fish to a clear plastic cup (w/straw), and board the "L" with socialite aplomb. Departing at the loop, the natural choice would be to visit the Art Institute and enjoy the Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibit. People would stare, but don't worry, they're ignorant. Explain to them that they're the ones who have been depriving "inferior" species of culture and fine art (take sip of water). Shameful. This blatant disregard (will it ever end? one can only hope) would make anyone grumpy, and hungry. Fortunately there would be a hotdog stand right out side where you could collect some ketchup packets...

can you find my thesaurus word?


ConorGlassey said...

This is pure GOLD!

Kelly Keeton said...

can I just request that you start writing a book. i really think that you could kick douglas adams ass. write 1 page of a book due at the end of the year.

ConorGlassey said...

Didn't see the question at the bottom the first time around. My guess: aplomb?